Nail Lacquer Client

SERVICES / Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Keyword Expansion, Digital Marketing, Traffic Generation

The Client

This client is well-known in the nail lacquer market in Singapore and the United States. 

As there is a strong search volume in search engines for nail lacquer related words, they decided to expand the keywords they are ranking for and start getting traffic through search engine optimisation. 

The Challange

When we first met with the client, they already have some SEO presence as their main source of marketing is through influencers, and these influencers do backlinks back to the client's website. However, there is a lack of blogs and optimisation done, where they could rank much better.

Secondly, the competitors in this field have very strong SEO and presence. Lacking the know-how in the SEO, they engaged us to help them to compete with established, strong competitors who have been doing SEO for many months ahead of them.

Though this company is based in Singapore, they are competing against giants in the US such as OPI and Holo Taco.

The Growth

Since we begin optimising the site with specific types of nail lacquer, results has been improving and most of the targeted keywords are on the first page after 6 months.

Though heavily competitive, we manage to rank for highly competitive keywords and do really well competing against giants.

The Result

nail polish traffic min
nail polish ahref results min


Traffic Value



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