How we continuously monitor and improve your campaign
8. Continuous Optimisation
8.1. Review and recommendation
For our clients, we will take the time to monitor and audit the old blogs or pages that are used for ranking. At times, Google may view a content as not reaching the quality or not matching searchers’ intent, hence they do not rank a page particularly well.
Using this information, we are able to monitor the results of your pages or blogs monthly and then suggest to either add-on or rework the content. Depending on the circumstances, sometimes we rework clients’ old blogs entirely for free.

We'll propose SEO strategies for improvements and develop monthly action plans. For clients who wants to learn more, we will suggest easy-to-understand recommendations as well.
8.2. Site Health Monitoring
Our crawlers are also set to crawl every client’s site every 2 weeks to a month (depending on your package). Using this, we can easily detect new errors (sometimes websites being down) and do the necessary fixes.

Fixes include suggesting changing to a new server (if the website is frequently down), optimising page loading speed (if the site health audit flags this as an issue), fixing broken links or missing meta titles, descriptions and alt texts.
8.3. Link Monitoring + Historical links check
As backlinks are still a critical part of SEO, continuous monitoring to ensure the links linked to you are healthy is an important part of any SEO campaign. Sometimes, you may be getting spams from bot sites, or become a victim or negative SEO.
Through the years of experience, a bad link can often outweigh a good one by a factor of 3. That means, having a single bad link can require 3-5 good links to “equalise” its effect, sometimes even more than that.
This is where we conduct Google disavows for our clients if our radar picks up these spammy, negative links. After removing these toxic links, your results will usually shoot up significantly.